ABOUT Rainbows of Healing
Welcome! We’re glad you found us! Rainbows of Healing offers support for people on their journey of spirituality, health, and wellness. Many people find us for different reasons. We understand that healing happens in many different ways, and we also understand that wellness is not just an achievement but a lifestyle. As such, we offer many different services from Vibrational Healing to workshops and classes to further your development, and a Metaphysical Boutique with unique crystals and gifts providing you with tools for healing.
Start where you are lead!
After having shared offices in Morrisville and Doylestown, Rainbows of Healing officially opened our own location in charming historic Langhorne Borough in 2008. We have continued growing and sharing our gifts in Langhorne for 15 years, then expanded our dream at our current location in Wrightstown in November 2023.
Rainbows of Healing has a longstanding tradition of local community partnership and service. You will find us offering a variety of spiritual, metaphysical, and holistic workshops throughout the months.
Check out what we have going on and like our page on Facebook and follow us on Instagram!

ABOUT Valarie & Ian
Valarie and Ian Haag have shared a beautiful life and journey for over 28 years. Working together to promote love, peace, and healing for all. They are Vibrational Energy Healing Practitioners and Reiki Masters/Teachers. They combine Reiki healing, Crystal Balancing, Reflexology, and Sound Healing in their sessions. They offer trainings and classes throughout the year on a variety of subjects. Merging their intuitive and healing gifts in a graceful and powerful way, they assist in reawakening your divine potential, and identifying and releasing challenges that limit your life, and inhibit the full expression of your Being – physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Opening Rainbows of Healing has been a dream come true for them! They truly enjoy and feel blessed being part of such an amazing community of people. They are founders of The Bucks County Reiki Share where they have held space by hosting ongoing monthly Reiki Shares for over a decade. They are dedicated to the continued creation of a community of practitioners that support one another and support Reiki’s place as a part of Integrative healthcare.
Inseparable, when they are not teaching or doing sessions, you will find Val and Ian frolicking in the many beautiful local nature trails, crafting all sorts of art, spending time at Sweat Lodge, creating music, collecting way too many crystals, or just hanging out with their feline friends, Enki and Star Nebula. Their unconditional love just radiates out and they hope to bring that light to you!
Valarie Haag, N.D.
Valarie is a Pennsylvania-based Reiki Master, Crystal Healing Practitioner, Board Certified Traditional Naturopath, and Teacher. Valarie has a well-earned reputation as an inspiring, gifted and compassionate healer and teacher.
Valarie was drawn to natural healing by her intuitive understanding of the natural world and her desire to promote wellness in it. She began her studies in herbalism at an early age, having always had interest in natural healing, herbs, and crystals. Valarie has been practicing Reiki since 1998, when she began her path of healing and Reiki training at the age of 18. As a Master/Teacher of traditional Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki, Valarie has been honored to educate and certify hundreds of students of all ages in all levels of Reiki.
Having devoted her life to the field of Vibrational Energy Medicine, she is best known for her innate ability to intuitively identify the root cause of patterns keeping individuals ‘stuck’. Over the past decade, countless individuals have experienced deeply transformative and long-term shifts from her integrative formula of Reiki healing, crystal healing, chakra balancing and intuitive guidance. Valarie has worked with adults from all walks of life and children of all ages, especially highly empathic and sensitive children, and children on the “spectrum”. She enjoys teaching others how to empower themselves to make positive changes in their lives. She is always expanding her knowledge of the healing arts with the intention of serving her clients and community in the most powerful way possible.
Valarie is a Traditional Naturopath, and 2004 graduate of The Trinity College of Natural Health. The College is accredited by the American Naturopathic Medical Certification and Accreditation Board, Inc. She is also nationally recognized as being a Board Certified Traditional Naturopath. Valarie holds many professional memberships.
To complete her Doctorate of Naturopathy, she researched color and wrote her dissertation “Rainbows of Healing: Balancing Body, Mind, Emotions, and Spirit with Color”. She continues to study and use color in healing, and presents workshops and classes on it’s effects and uses.
Valarie has been a Reiki Master/Teacher since 2001. Along with Ian, she offers ongoing Reiki classes and shares throughout the year. While working together they merge their individual healing gifts to bring the client to a place of balance. They are registered professional members of IARP, the International Association of Reiki Professionals®.
Valarie is a registered Level II Bach Flower Essence Practitioner. Working in conjunction with Flower Essences and Vibrational Healing she finds great results with helping emotions and patterns. She hopes to assist you on a path to wellness.
Ian Haag
Ian Haag, is a Usui Reiki Master, Sound Healing Practitioner, Flutist, Artist, and Teacher. Ian has been involved with the metaphysical and Shamanistic studies since an early age. Ian has been practicing Reiki since age 19, and is humbled for the opportunity to teach and ripple out the beauty of Reiki to so many. He has a powerful imagination and creativity that allows him to bring his artistic talents into his healing work.
Ian combines Reiki with Sound Healing in single private sessions or along with his wife, Valarie. He uses a combination of Reiki and Crystal Singing Bowls, Himalayan Signing Bowls, Gongs, Monochords, Tuning Forks, Rattles, Drums, Native American Style Flutes, and more in sessions to heal with the power of vibration. Ian is a registered member of the International Sound Healers Association, World Flute Society, and The International Native American Flute Association.
Ian brings to his healing work a variety of services. You have the customizable option to choose one or a combination according to your personal needs. This includes Reiki, Sound Healing, and Spiritual Consulting. Ian is an empath and has a strong intuitive ability to receive information and messages in his healing work. This feedback can be helpful to clients on their healing path.
Immediately captivating, Ian’s soulful eloquence and passion with the Native American style flute carries messages of harmony, peace and personal empowerment. When Ian performs, it takes only a moment to acknowledge the profound spirituality of the sacred Native American style flute and its historical courtship and beautiful attributes. His haunting music is much more than a song …it’s liquid poetry, a prayer. He offers ongoing group and private Native American style Flute classes, and enjoys opening up others to the beauty and medicine that the flute can offer all. He proudly released his first his first album “Between Worlds” in May 2014. He had performed throughout the country and has a prized collection of over 50 flutes.