We all experience negative states of emotion during our lives. Some pass quickly, some are character traits, others are a result of emergency situations, and some are deeply rooted results of our personal experience.
Bach Flower Essences are a gentle means of restoring emotional balance and encouraging the body’s natural healing process. Developed in the 1930’s by Dr. Edward Bach, a doctor of both traditional and homeopathic medicine, Bach Flower Essences are simple, safe, effective and complimentary to other forms of healing. It was Dr. Bach’s belief that disharmony within oneself was the root cause of disease.
These balancing essences can be used by all ages from babies to seniors and those in palliative care. They are non-addictive catalysts which dispel negative emotions and encourage the positive aspects of the personality.
The 38 Essences can be divided into seven groups, each group dealing with a separate emotional quality: Fear, Uncertainty, Insufficient Interest, Loneliness, Oversensitivity, Despondency or Despair, and Over care for others.
After comprehensive consultation and discussion with the client, a composite blend is made, based on the client’s needs. The drops are taken under the tongue or in any liquid, a minimum of 4 times daily. The effects can be either subtle or immediately apparent. Occasionally the client is not aware of the change until they find they respond to an event in a new positive way.
As the healing journey progresses, the consultation process continues and as the layers of negative emotion is peeled away, the remedy is adjusted to meet the clients evolving emotional state, with the end result being a healthy union between Mind, Body and Spirit.

Personalized Bach Flower Remedy® Consultation:
In person – $50
By phone with remedy shipped to you – $75
(This consultation includes your unique essence mixture made for you)
These Essences are a great support in helping compose one’s emotional states. They are wonderful and helpful when taken to assist with all major life changes as well as for everyday stresses in life. They are also a blessing for Pets, Plants, and large animals.
Dr. Edward Bach, M.D., a physician and Homeopath well ahead of his time said, “Health is our heritage, our right. It is the complete and full union between soul, mind and body; and this is not a difficult far-away ideal to attain, but one so easy and natural that many of us have overlooked it.” He also said healing depended on four factors:
- The realization of the Divinity within us, and our consequent knowledge that we have the ability to overcome all harm.
- The knowledge that disease is due to disharmony between our personality and our soul.
- Our desire and ability to discover the fault that is causing the conflict.
- The removal of that fault by our developing the opposite virtue”.
Two people, for example, with arthritis, may benefit from quite different essences. One may be resigned to their illness, while the other may be impatient with it, so different essences will be appropriate to each person. Each flower used has a specific, emotionally healing effect. They raise our very natures and bring us peace and they relieve our sufferings.
People do not have to be physically ill to benefit from the Essences. Many of us go through times of difficulty and fatigue when negativity creeps in; at these times the Essences are invaluable in restoring the balance before physical symptoms appear.
The Essences are comprised of 7 categories:
Fear Uncertainty
Lack of Interest in Present Circumstances
Despondency & Despair
Over-care for Others Welfare
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Contact me to set up a consultation in-person or by phone